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Fremington Parish Council

The Beechfield Centre, Beechfield Road, Fremington, Devon, EX31 3DD Tel: 01271 321063

Parish Council Functions

Most local Council services are provided by the District or County Council. The Parish Council’s role is more advisory and its main purpose is local community leadership. Although not directly responsible for many services, the Parish Council can, therefore, have influence over a wide range of issues. It is frequently consulted on highways, use of public areas, environmental improvements and the provision or alteration of local facilities, as well as every planning application.

The functions which are carried out by the Parish Council are as follows:


The Parish Council office provides a wide range of advice and often helps people find the right organisation to deal with their problems or queries.

Beechfield Centre


Fremington Parish  Council accepts grant applications throughout the year. The latest date for submitting an application is 30th September.

Parks and Playing Fields

The Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of play equipment in a wide range of play parks in the parish.


This burial facility is administered by the Parish

Fremington Burial Authority Regulations for Fremington Cemetery.

War Memorial

The maintenance of the War Memorial is the responsibility of the Parish Council


The Parish Council maintains a substantial number of Footpaths on behalf of Devon County Council.


Two allotment sites have been established at Muddlebridge and Babbages and plots are allocated by the Parish Council.

Fremington Quay

The Parish Council lease out both the cafe and Heritage centre at Fremington Quay.