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Fremington Parish Council

The Committees' Responsibilities

Parks and Open Spaces

The Parks and Open Spaces Committee is responsible for open spaces within the parish, including Griggs Field and the Village Green. It manages the grass cutting contract, which is put out to tender every January.  The committee has responsibility for the playgrounds, for playground safety and the provision of play equipment. The committee liaises with Fremington Environmental Group and the Silvanus Trust on matters relating to the natural environment. 


Fremington Parish Council owns and maintains the cemetery in Old School Lane, Fremington. The Burial Authority, of which all Councillors are members, normally meets once a year to discuss fees and any maintenance issues which need to be dealt with.  The grass and hedge cutting is put out to tender annually at the same time as the work for the parks and Fremington Quay.

Finance and Personnel

The Finance & Personnel Committee has responsibility for all the Council's financial affairs, budget monitoring, recommending the annual estimates and precept, insurance and payments. Staffing matters include recruitment and retention of staff, salary recommendations, training, conditions of service, disciplinary matters, grievances and Health and Safety issues.

Fremington Quay Management

The Fremington Quay Management Committee is responsible for all matters relating to Fremington Quay. The Parish Council has a long lease of the land from North Devon District Council.

Environment and Community

The Environment and Community Committee is responsible for all matters relating to the Beechfield Centre and facilities at Riverside Park, as well as bus shelters, notice boards, dog bins and street furniture. They are also responsible for the Climate Emergency, including implementation of policies and activities, and are responsible for Babbages and Muddlebridge allotments. The Environment and Community Committee are also involved with the health and wellbeing of the community, including Let's Talk Fremington.

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